Meaning Ltd.

Why are you here?

Meaning helps founders find their

truth and share it with the world.


“Your Story”

Manifesto (Why)

Mission & Vision

Product Positioning

Core Narratives


Website Copy

Film Script

“Full-Stack Storytelling”

Keynote Script

Press Strategy

Social Strategy

Content Strategy

Creative Strategy




Ellis Hamburger has worked with some of the world’s best product founders for over ten years. A multi-disciplinary thinker and writer, Ellis brings experience across marketing, comms, and design to help founders craft holistic product storytelling that moves culture and drives impact.

At The Verge, Ellis wrote industry-leading software criticism about the brightest products of the time, like Mailbox, Path, Paper by FiftyThree, VSCO, Tumblr, Foursquare, and more. And he appeared live on CNBC, NPR, PBS, and the BBC. Around this time, Ellis also wrote the foreword to The Best Interface Is No Interface by designer Golden Krishna.

Later, Ellis was Snapchat’s first writer, building and refining the brand voice and executing it across all channels — from marketing campaigns to press pitches, UX writing, sales narratives, product packaging, and even the receipts from the Spectacles vending machine. Ellis wrote Snapchat’s first TV commercial, and concepted its first global brand campaign, Real friends, solidifying Snapchat’s value proposition to consumers.

At The Browser Company, Ellis helped Arc break out using first-of-its-kind product and corporate communication, establishing the startup as one of the most inspiring and transparent in memory. Through the years, Ellis has helped dozens of founders refine their vision and execute it through product and storytelling.


“Ellis is an artist…The best at his craft.”

- Josh Miller, Co-Founder

The Browser Company

“Like Rick Rubin, but for founders.”

- Bobby Giangeruso

Co-Founder, Heart Hands Inc

“Ellis finds the words you've been searching for.”

- Andy McCune

Founder, Cosmos

“Like having a third co-founder.”

- Kyle Barber

Co-Founder, Inflight

“A no-brainer for early stage startups.”

- Michael Goldenstein

Co-Founder, amo




"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately. To front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could learn what it had to teach. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

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